a daily blog about fueling the makers of
independent cinema through local
cuisine and culinary adventures

Friday, November 9


The Art of Feeding Artists has been sleepy for a while. In the last week of filming, things were too hectic for Deirdre, for me to even suggest she write an entry about the unbelievable food she was making.  In the end, that miracle woman fed 25 people everyday, three meals a day, plus snacks (twice daily) and on the last day she even managed to make a gluten free chocolate cake, with dairy free chocolate genache icing and marzipan decoration that said THANK YOU SO MUCH. And doing that every day (16 hours a day) for 15 days (not including grocery shopping) and she came in under budget! Which was a piddling three grand. Which if you do the math is about $2 per person per meal.  Even with our many, and super generous donations from restaurants and grocery stores, it was quite a commendable feat.

And now that its been two years (yikes ... I know, very quite in here) we're so pleased to say that we're getting closer to finishing the film. We have a fundraiser up on indiegogo and we've featured a perk that involves this mistress of fine foods. Any donations above the $500 level get an invitation to a private producers dinner and screening, when we have a completed version of the film. And by Dinner and Screening we mean, you'll be the first person to see the film in its completed form, and you'll be fed an extraordinary meal where you'll be able to meet and chat with the other main pain players that made this film happen. And by extraordinary meal, I don't mean on the same budget per head as on set, even if Deirdre can make two dollars seem like a 20 dollar restaurant meal. We'll giving you an exceptionally special evening to remember.

DO go to the website, watch the trailer there, and consider sending this link to anyone who you think would enjoy a fine meal and a fine film.